
Yak’éi haat yeey.aadí.

It’s Good You Have Traveled Here.

Welcome to Ketchikan, Alaska.

You are standing in the traditional lands of the Taant’a Kwáan Tlingit, who have cared for this place from earliest human time. It would not survive in its richness and beauty without their stewardship. We are grateful for the opportunity to live and learn here with mutual respect and appreciation.

What is the Salmon Walk?

The Salmon Walk will take you on a 1.5 mile loop, following Ketchikan Creek upstream as the salmon swim. Halfway through the walk is the Totem Heritage Center. You can continue back into downtown and complete the loop, or, during the summer, you can hop on a shuttle that will bring you back to the museum.

What should I expect?

The Ketchikan Salmon Walk takes you into the nature, culture, art, and history of the marvelous fish that return every year to this creek. The walk is dedicated to the importance of salmon and the continuing need to share their stories to encourage stewardship of the fish and their habitat. It’s a scenic stroll with interpretive panels every so often to illuminate the richness of Ketchikan Creek and its inhabitants.

This project was made possible with funding from:

Click below to be guided through an interactive web experience of the Ketchikan Salmon Walk.

Discover what you can do to be a steward of these waters and the life that lives within it.

As stewards, we bear the responsibility to preserve and nurture these pristine habitats that cultivate the salmon lifecycle. By safeguarding the salmons’ remarkable journey, we are also ensuring countless interconnected ecosystems flourish. Discover more information that continues to help the salmon to fulfill their purpose while sharing with future generations and our visitors— the wonders of these lands and waters.